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Dear Gracelyn

Dear Gracelyn,

Oh my gosh. Where do I even begin? 
My baby is one year old today. I can't believe my eyes. 1 year of beautiful life. 1 year that I am the worlds most blessed mom. 1 year of chubby cuddles. 1 year of firsts. 1 year of you. 
My heart swells just looking at you and the gorgeous little girl you are. Being your  mom is the most painful, stressful and most rewarding thing I have ever done. You don't understand right now but every time I see you, my life lights up and my heart fills up with joy because you are mine. I have loved watching you grow up to be a happy little girl. You have always been so calm yet wild and I  love that about you. You're also adventurous and strong willed and I can only dream of what those qualities will bring you in life. I pray that your life would be filled with all the riches that our lord has for you. He is the only thing in this life that will never leave you or forsake you. My heart yearns for you to know Jesus and to love and accept him into your life. He has a wild and crazy love for you and someday I hope you will accept it and never turn back. This world is a chaotic, dangerous and evil place. A place that we will only be temporarily as long as we ask Christ to live in our hearts and surrender to him. I have not stopped praying for you since the day I found out you existed. I miss when your home was my tummy. I miss when I was your shelter from this terrible world. But you still manage to bring grace into this place. 
I have so many stories, lessons and secrets I want to share with you but right now I am enjoying 1 year old you. Your soft brown hair (or lack there of), your chubby belly, amazing eyes, your adorable pearly whites, and that beautiful soul. I cannot wait to see what you do next. 
If it were up to me you would always have that big smile on your face and you would never shed a single tear of sadness. If it were up to me you would never feel pain or heartbreak. Unfortunately, those times will come. I hope you always know that when you feel lost, scared, or confused that I am right here waiting with open arms. If my love was enough you would flourish and prosper without a single flaw but that is just not how it is. I want more for you. I want you to grow, learn, cry, laugh, fail, and succeed all while I cheer you on as your biggest fan. There will never be a time when I could ever love you less. 
Happy 1st birthday, my sweet girl. 




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