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8 Months



Height, Weight, & Head: No stats until her doctor visit next month. 

Clothes:  She was in 12 months but now she is moving towards 12-18 months, depending on the brand! My MIL and I keep saying how baby clothes should be in pounds not months!

Eating:  Our little one is still breastfeeding quite well. Over the weekend, we went turkey hunting (Well, daddy and papaw did the hunting!) and she had an interesting first night. She woke up every couple of hours which I am NOT used to as she sleeps through the night. Therefore we had a reverse cycle kind of night where she had my breasts practically empty by morning! Because of this, I never had to use my manual pump on the trip. After that night she slept like her normal self. She continues to sample different food and recently tried carrots and broccoli for the first time!

Sleeping:  Besides that weird night while camping, she sleeps like a rockstar. She is still going down about 8:30 and waking up about 7ish or 9:30 on a great day! She always has 2 naps a day which is so nice and makes for a happy baby and happier mommy!
Diapering:  Pamper’s Swaddlers size 4. Love these diapers.

Adventures:  Our biggest adventure so far was our camping trip. I had Gracelyn bundled up like a snow bunny and she did awesome. This was her 4th trip up north and probably the last one for the year as it was icey at night! A lot of the time, I wore her in the Mei Tei baby carrier and she napped in that most of the time (If she wasn’t already napping on mamaw’s lap!)

Playtime:  Gracie still loves mirrors which is convenient for mom while I take my 3 minute shower! She so mobile now, I can hardly keep up. She loves jumping up and down when I stand her up and speaking of standing, she also loves standing up and holding herself up on the couch, or other furniture. When she is laying down, David likes to kiss her neck and she will laugh and squirm! She is so ticklish! She likes peak-a-boo and giving kisses when I surprise her when I open my hands. She really loves her Sophie giraffe which is nice since the things are so darn expensive! I would never have bought one so it’s cool that we got one and are putting it to good use.  Last we, we also had fun with our friends while we painted pumpkins! This group of women is so fun and I'm so glad I got to meet them! Hanging out with them is a breath of fresh air.

Likes:   Smoothies! This is something we both love, actually! I have a bunch of fruit that I separate and freeze and make different combos for us. Healthy, fresh and homemade- what's better!? I even got the daddy approval! ;) She likes to feed herself which can be hard when giving her something thick like applesauce or yogurt. I have tried the little pouches and couldn’t care less. I feel they are for older babies who can hold and squeeze it themselves. She just gets the contents everywhere! I’m thinking of trying to let her experiment with a spoon (at home!) since she has to learn sometime and I can easily clean up the mess! A sweet co-worker gave me a couple containers of the Gerber puffs in sweet potato and banana, so I’ve been giving her a couple at a time when we are out and about. These work well when we are in target when she gets bored or fussy.  I also learned that she loves dogs! When we were camping, David's dog Tank came along and Gracelyn could not taker her eyes off of him! She just loved petting his fur and being near him.

Milestones:  We officially have a waving baby! Gracelyn now waves hello or bye-bye! While grocery shopping yesterday, an older woman came up to us and started playing with Gracelyn and she waved at her and even flashed her biggest gummy smile! It was so adorable- I was so proud of her for showing off her new trick!  I am one proud Mama of all this cuteness!  Another milestone.. drum roll please…she is crawling! I only got a few seconds on video because she randomly does it when I’m not looking! Another huge thing is she is signing “milk” which is so cute! I am so amazed by my smart girl. She is so observant. I am showing her the signs for please, thank you and more so we will see what sign will be next! 

I have enjoyed these last 8 months so much. I have no idea what I did for fun before now. She lights up my life.


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