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7 Months


Height, Weight, & Head: 28 inches tall, 21 pounds, and 16 inches around the head. Big girl!

Clothes:  She is currently getting out of 9 months and moving on to size 12 months. 

Mmm, Blueberry waffles!
Eating:  We're still letting her "sample" food but she's still loving mommy's milk. She will start kicking and smile when I say, "Are you ready for milkies!?"  I also show her the sign for milk. (Being that her big cousin Saydee is deaf, Gracie will be learning sign language.) She loves pasta and strawberries! She even tried steak from chipotle the other day. There are lots of days where all she does is nurses. I'm not worried about her not eating enough...she is happy and healthy and continues to gain weight. 
The camera interrupted her. ;)
Sleeping:  She sleeps 8 hours or more every night. We put her down about 8 and she wakes up between 4 and 5. David is usually the one who goes to get her and then I nurse her and we go back to sleep until about 8. On my work days, SHE goes back to sleep and I get ready for work. If she doesn't wake up by 4, I just let her continue to sleep. She is an angel!

Diapering:  I have her in size 4 in Pamper's Swaddlers. Still love these diapers but I believe size 4 is the last size. We have tried Pamper's sensitive and those are good too so I will probably start getting those. We tried cruisers and hated them- they just don't fit her right. We also got a trial pack of the Honest diapers and didn't like them either! SO cute but they look and feel so cheap! I opened her diaper the other day and it just smelled like pee! It was gross! Thank God breast milk poop doesn't stink. I love how Pamper's feel and the way they block the urine smell and I also like that they don't irritate her skin. 7 months and no rashes. Hoping to keep that going for as long as possible.

Playtime:  I spend lots of time playing with Gracelyn but she getting to that point where she is bored! She needs something to entertain her and her jingle toys and teething toys just aren't cutting it. A friend of ours has a sensory toy from the brand Lamaze (sp?) and Gracie liked it! She wouldn't put it down, so I think I may have to get her one. I like how there are different textures on the toy and different sounds on it. I have also been looking for a toy that resembles an iPhone since she LOVES to hold and chew on mine! Every Monday my nephew Elijah comes over and Gracelyn plays with him. He is so gentle and cute with her. He'll always ask me, "Can I touch her?" and I just laugh and say "Of course" :) 

Likes:  She likes splashing in the bathtub and filling up the cup with water and spilling it. I really want to get her a bubble blowing frog for the bath tub! She loves looking in the mirror and will put her face up to it and lick. It's so funny because I think she thinks she is looking at another baby! Speaking of babies, she likes other babies too! When I'm with mommy friends or near other babies, she will smile and want to play. When David and I drop her off at the nursery at church she literally squeals with excitement when she sees her friends, it is the most adorable thing.
The Morning of her Dedication!
Milestones:  We're still on the lookout for teeth! I can tell they are one their way because she will bite down and pull  while i'm nursing her. She now sits in a shopping cart which is super cool because she can look around and interact with me much easier. It's also good because carrying her in the car seat was getting tough! I am looking for a cute shopping cart cover because the blankets i'm using aren't really working. I also want one for restaurant high chairs since those are just gross. She is "talking" more now which is fun because we talk back in her little language. What ever noise she makes, we make the same noise back and the conversation goes on for awhile! It's adorable. She isn't crawling yet but she has gotten on all fours! She is so ready- and I'll be ready with the camera! Another small but cute milestone is shoes! We were given these little sandals and I just had to put them on her! So cute.


  1. FYI, Swaddlers goes up to size 5 and I have only seen them at Walmart.

    Love her. She is precious!


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