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Nursing in Public

I saw an episode of the Rikki Lake show and the topic was Breastfeeding. One of the women sharing her story was in the US Army and was looked down on for openly breastfeeding her twin girls in public and while wearing her uniform. Another woman was also frowned upon for taking part in a breastfeeding photo shoot where she and some other women were photographed nursing their babies without covers. 
When Rikki asked the audience what they felt, most people expressed that there was no reason not to wear a cover. Some audience members also expressed their concern about breastfeeding being an "intimate" thing and there is no need to show your breasts to anyone else. 
I recently watched a clip of the tv show The View and one of the ladies on the panel said she thinks men will lust over a woman if she is openly breastfeeding because despite the fact that she is feeding her child, men will still lust over an exposed breast. All the women on the panel had passionate opinions on the topic. 
So why am I saying all of this?
I'm expressing my thoughts on nursing in public and saying that I believe it is okay to feed your child in whatever way you choose with or without a cover! 
There are tons of moms who breastfeed and work! I am one of them. Why should a woman be looked down on because she is breastfeeding in her uniform? Not only is she serving our country but she's providing the absolute best for her twins. She is a hero in more ways than one! She is awesome. 
The lady who took part in a breastfeeding photo shoot is an artist. She is displaying the beauty of motherhood and a mothers love trough photography. Why is this a bad thing?
I actually laughed out loud when the audience member said men will lust over a breastfeeding mother. Like really? I don't like to think of public breastfeeding as "sexy" but It's no different than someone finding a certain outfit sexy, I suppose. From the women I know and talk to, public breastfeeding is not to gain attention it is simply a mother feeding her child! The special bond is an added bonus to the many benefits of breastfeeding.:
In the beginning of my breastfeeding experience, I constantly had my cover with me because I felt people wouldn't want to see my breast out. I thought other people would feel uncomfortable. When Gracelyn was about 4 months old I came to the sudden realization that it didn't matter what anyone else thought. I care about my child, not about random strangers. I need to feed my baby and I will do it wherever I am and whenever she needs it. I stopped caring if other people were uncomfortable and here's why...
1. My breast was not and is not ever totally exposed. When I feed Gracelyn in public my breast isn't exposed because My nipple is inside her mouth therefore censoring the most "private" part of my breast. The most anyone ever sees is no more than all the cleavage we see in others! 

2. My daughter hates nursing covers. As Gracelyn got bigger, our nursing sessions went from calm, sweet bonding to squirming, kicking, looking-everywhere-while-still-being-latched-on sessions. Even when I try to use the cover, she ends up pulling it away or moving it all over the place with her toes. It makes it hard to make sure she's latched on when I can't keep control of the cover. It became easier to just do without. 

3. Breastfeeding is a natural thing. It is normal and I think it should not be hidden or covered. Other mammals don't hide when it's time to feed their offspring, they set up camp (wherever they are) and they  sit tight while their babies eat. It is the same with us! As far as exposure, What's the difference between this and somewhere wearing a bikini? A breastfeeding mom is probably showing way less skin!

The bottom line is we are beautiful. Women have the ability to sustain life with just our bodies. That is pretty amazing, if you ask me. Now, I understand that some of us have different situations and circumstances but for the most part, all it takes is determination and commitment. Our bodies were made to do this. It is a God given ability and I personally take full advantage of it! 
I know lots of women who do. It's natural! But most of all, it's normal. 

In honor of World Breastfeeding Week, I gladly take my stance in doing my part to normalize breastfeeding. Some women may choose to wear a nursing cover for whatever reason and that is fine! But for me, I won't be afraid to feed my child. I am comfortable with doing so anywhere no matter what while being discreet in my own way. I don't feel it's necessary to completely have your chest out in the open because there are lots of ways to feed without being over the top. 
I have breast fed in a restaurant, store, nail salon, house, park and I have not gotten any weird or disapproving looks because it probably just looks like I am cradling my baby. I thinking you should do whatever you feel comfortable with! 
I am so proud of Gracelyn and I for coming this far on just breast milk. It is the best decision I have ever made and the bond we share is simply unexplainable. I can't imagine stopping anytime soon. :)


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