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5 Months

5 Months Old
Height & Weight: I weighed her the other day and got 18 something. 
Clothes:  She is wearing 6 months on Carter's and 6-9 months in everything else- right on track! :) 
Eating: 100% Mama's milk! I am so proud of my exclusively breastmilk-fed baby who is growing marvelously. I have let her gnaw on a chunk of watermelon and strawberry but I do not feed her "baby food" and don't plan to. I've decided to forego the cereal/oatmeal stage and go to solids when she's able to grab for herself. I love love love nursing! She is starting to kick and squirm while I feed her which is funny because she's still totally latched on while do so. She's just playing. I love when she looks up and me- it just melts my heart. Im MUCH more comfortable with nursing in public too. Now that it is hot, I don't always use my cover anymore. I do and I don't but the other day I nursed her in chipotle without a cover and no one gave me dirty looks!
Sleeping: Every night (unless we are out) she gets her bath about 7:30ish. If I'm working, David does this part and then I feed her at 8 when I get home. After her bath she gets a massage and a diaper then a feeding. We have always done this little routine since the beginging so now if she gets out of the bath and isn't fed within 20 minutes she will start screaming. She knows something is out of order! She goes down everynight at around 8:30 and we wont hear a peep until we get up in the morning which is about 7 (on our days off, of course!). Sometimes she will wake up randomly but its rare. I feed her when she wakes up and then she will nap around 10 until about noon. A lot of times, she will fight this nap but eventually she does go down for nap and then another one around 4ish.
Diapering: We have been using pampers swaddler's since day one. Even the hospital uses them so litterally its' been since day one and I love them. She is darn near squeezing out of size 3- I just cannot keep up with my little chubster!
Trips: On Friday, David and I went to the D-backs game with his parents and Gracelyn did ahhh-MAZING!

I was honestly waiting for her to have a meltdown but she didn't. Praise GOD. I packed 2 8oz. bottles for feedings and I was so glad I did! It was much easier to feed this way because I knew she would be too distracted to nurse. During the middle part of the game David and his dad went to get ice cream and I gave Gracelyn the tiniest taste. needless to say, she went nuts! Kicking like a crazy woman and reaching for the bowl for more.
She didn't cry once! In fact, she took 2 short naps in my arms. I believe I have an angel baby and don't think it would be smart to have another one. It's too much of a crap shoot! ;) By the end of the game, she was mezmorized by the fireworks and then fell asleep before the fireworks were over! She woke up when we left and fell asleep again in the car. So much fun!
Gracelyn also paid a visit to her new cosuin London! My cousin just gave birth to her 3rd baby and I was anxious to meet the little darling. I was in shock at how TINY she was and don't even remember when my chubby tank was that small!
London is less than thrilled about our precense and just wanted mommy to feed her!
Playtime: She loves being played with. She laughs and squeels and is full of love. She loves scensory toys like her vibrating pull toy and her vibrating teething strawberry. I can't wait for her to sit up soon!
Likes: Making spit bubbles, grabbing her toes, we think she likes alliteration like "Bald Baby!" because she will laugh and laugh. She loves grabbing faces (which is sometimes painful when she digs her nails into your skin!) and she loves sitting in a high chair when we are eating. Soon she will join in on the grub! I am always putting 1 or 2 food items in front of her but she hasn't been too interested yet. 
Milestones: We have a roller!  She first rolled a couple times at our babysitter Shannon's house but we finally saw her do the other night! Yay! She came so close and I just wanted to help her but knew she had to figure it out herself. I used a toy and cheered her on for about 30 minutes and she finally rolled by herself. David and I were cheering so loud I think the neighbors heard us! Grace looked at us like "What are you morons yelling about??" We love her!!

Best Moment: Watching her give the biggest smiles to her favorite people! She loves Mimi and Papa (my parents)! She has even let out some belly laughs for auntie Lindsey and her cousin Elijah! Mamaw and Papaw (David's parents) cannot get enough of her! She laughs when you tell her "Papaw's full of poopoo!" (again with the alliteration). There are so many people Gracelyn loves and
vise versa! It is heart melting.

Last Sunday, my parents, my brother, Lindsey, David and I attened a baby dedication class at church and it was so cool. I wish they did a series on this but as we all know- there is no "how-to" when it comes to parenting! The class was super informative with great info on what it means to live out a Godly lifestyle and the importance of teaching your child about Christ's undying love for us and most all, raising your children without "rules" but standards! LOVED it. We will be celebrating her dedication in the next few weeks as we believe it is very important to share in the joys of each and every milestone!


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