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#21 #carrot #babygirl #readthis


Total Weight Gain: You won’t believe it but I actually gained exactly 1 pound! Whoo-hoo! Hopefully now I will be gaining about a pound a week. We’ll see! Happy that I am finally putting on some weight, this girl is growing! :) Praise Jesus!!!

Maternity Clothes?  I am able to wear my maternity pants now! Good thing because all my other pants and shorts do not button! I’m still wearing them with a hair tie though. All my shirts still fit too- life is good! 

Have You Started to Show?  Oh yes, people at work are starting to get curious because people will make conversation with me and then randomly ask me if I have any kids. I think they are trying to get me to spill the beans! I have only told a couple people at work because I work in such a huge place I wanted to keep my personal life private for as long as possible. I don’t really like to talk about myself TOO much. With our situation there is also plenty of room for judgment and I want to stay away from that. For the few that do know at work, they say my belly is beginning to show through my scrub top!

Stretch Marks?  No, but I'm still rubbing lots of tummy butter and lotion into my belly!

Sleep?  Pretty great!  I slept wrong one night and twisted my shoulder in a weird way. I was asking the physical therapist at work (perks of working on a pre/post op floor!) about it and after telling him I slept in a ball with my shoulders to my ears, because I was cold, he said my shoulder kind of “froze” in that position for so long that when I finally relaxed that muscle, I had strained it and that’s what caused the achiness. The next night I didn’t sleep with the fan on and the next morning felt much better.

Best Moment This Week:  One of David’s friend’s mom contacted me through Facebook and began to briefly share her story with me. Turns out she was just my age and also not married when she got pregnant with her first baby and is now pregnant again with her 5th child (the 1st girl!) She told me she would be willing to allow David and I to have some real practice with an infant after she delivers sometime in December! How selfless is that!? She also told David she had a few boxes of baby girl clothes that we could have! I just love how the Lord puts godly people in our lives that offer us the emotional support we so badly need and want. It’s moments like this when I truly see Jesus in other people and that is such an amazing feeling. She then said she would inform me all about breastfeeding and even show me the different ways to do it. I was so touched and blessed by her message, I was sent straight to tears. Thank you Jesus for these little blessings along the way that will eventually lead us to the biggest blessing of all. 

Miss Anything?  Hot tubs! Being on my feet all day, while taking care of other people, is really hard on my body especially my back and feet. At the gym I just stare at the Jacuzzi and wish I could just sink in and let my muscles relax. I have heard it’s OK to go in for a few minutes max but I don’t feel comfortable with that. Oh well! Hot showers do the trick just fine.

Movement?  She moves the most in the early morning and late night right before bed. It’s been this way from the start. I have felt her moving in the middle of the day but I’m also really busy during the day so I may not notice it. I have tried to notice if spicy food makes her move but I don’t think she cares too much. Haha!

Food Cravings:  I’m pretty sure I had my usual sandwich every day this week along with my veggies! But I have particularly craved Chipotle! Sometimes I feel like I can eat the whole burrito bowl and then some but once I start eating I get full after about half way through. When I over eat my belly feels so tight almost like it is going to pop! I suppose this little girl is beginning to fill me up leaving me little to no room in there! I have to remind myself to eat slower because if not, I’ll eat fast and then feel that horrible tightness.

Food Aversions:  Coffee :( I’m pretty sad to say that because I had missed it so much in my first trimester. For some reason every time I drink it, it comes back up! I guess she doesn’t like it as much as me!

Symptoms:  My morning sickness has been the worst all last week then it’s ever been the entire pregnancy thus far! All the gagging and pressure from throwing up caused me to get a “Weiss tear” which causes light streaks of blood to appear in the bile, stomach content, stomach acid and whatever else I throw up in the morning. Horrible, horrible, horrible!
Staying Active?  I was so busy this week with my new work schedule but I still went to the gym. I took Yoga and it was so hard! But I was dripping afterwards so that was good. I can’t do some of the positions like laying on the tummy or ab workouts but there is another pregnant girl who also goes so I don’t feel completely alone when the other girls are twisted in some crazy yoga position and we’re just sitting there like, “Nope, not doing that.” Haha! The class is so fun but definitely a real workout! I love it! I was really glad to find out that the indoor and outdoor pools are heated so I always bring my suit for laps!

Belly Button: I don’t look at my belly button everyday but when I do, it doesn’t seem to have changed much. It is wide enough now for me to notice that I apparently have a freckle of some sort in there that I never knew about!

Happy or Moody?  Happy! So much exciting stuff is happening as we prepare for our daughters arrival. (More details later.) This journey has been so hard in so many ways but with God and family we have managed to work everything out. I am so happy that I have the parents I have. They are doing so much for us and helping us with anything they can.

Nursery Progress:  We bought 2 more outfits for her! I picked one out and David picked one out. My mom also sent me a picture of these adorable ballerina shoes that she found and asked if I liked them and I did! Can’t wait to put her little feetsies in cute shoes! Then I went to stay with my grandma Monday night and she gave me a really soft pink blanket that I am going to bring the baby home in. It will be her first blanket that I wrap her in (besides hospital ones). My grandma is extremely special to me, she said she has dreams where she sees the baby and she told me exactly what she looks like! I just love her. She said the baby is bald with a little peach fuzz! Haha, I love it. I also made a craft for her room completely inspired by JJ Heller. She made a similar craft with these same lyrics to one of her songs and I loved it so I basically copied exactly what she did. These lyrics are to her song “When I’m With You” and I always loved it but now I love this song even more because I can dedicate it to my little girl!

Looking Forward to:  I’m looking forward to the next few months! We will be getting the nursery furniture! 


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