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Showing posts from January, 2013

9 months!

36 Weeks Here is my 9 month bare belly! Decided to scare you guys in honor of being 36 weeks!! Yay!! Jk, I actually feel super good and slowly getting very anxious for her to come. I am even excited for labor! I know I was created for this very thing and feel extremely confident that God will be in the center of it all. Total Weight Gain:   So I went to the doctor on Tuesday and I gained 2 more pounds putting me at 18 pounds gained! I’m 148 lbs!!!  Maternity Clothes?   Nothing new! Stretch Marks? Well, a sad day has fallen upon us…haha! I discovered a few stretch marks under my belly button the other day. It was a bit of a shock because they literally snuck up on me! I showed David and at first he said they were creases from my jeans but I don’t think so. Then he smiled, hugged me, kissed my forehead and said, “…and each one is a different reason of why I love you.” Can you think of a better response??? I can’t. Fruit/Veggie Size?  C...

35 weeks

35 Weeks (Father-to-Be Day) Decided to have David share his perspective on things- it's Father-to-be Day on the blog! :) Total Weight Gain:  Im a pretty solid 195lbs. Fruit/Veggie Size:   Honey-dew melon.Not " Honey do list" please dont confuse the growth of the baby with the growth of my chores! Just kidding! Stretch Marks?  Well I did have a few Big Macs this week... Just kidding. No stretch marks for either of us. At the rate Sarah applies belly oils and lotion, there is no chance!   Sleep?   From what she says shes been sleeping like a baby meaning up every few hours and having a hard time sleeping. Me on the other hand I sleep like a teenager-once im out im out til that darn alarm clock goes off!   Best Moment This Week:   Although typically males arent highly interested in the baby shower, I thought it would mean something to Sarah if I was there even for a little bit. So  I arrived j...

Baby Shower!

This past weekend was my baby shower and it was such a fun day! I am so thankful for my mom who made this happen. The food and decoration was perfect and I loved being able to spend the evening with so many amazing people who I love but more importantly love the baby! This little girl got so many awesome gifts and is going to be completely adorable in all her outfits. I can’t say thanks enough to everyone who has been with us since the start. This journey hasn’t been easy but it has blessed me in so many ways and made me a better and stronger person.  I had a blast at my baby shower and want to thank everyone who came to celebrate! :) I wish I could have taken more pictures with people but it was just too hectic! I will always remember this day and cannot wait to officially introduce her to you all very soon! THANKS from the bottom of my heart! 

Thirty Four amazing weeks!

34 Weeks Total Weight Gain:   So I went to the doctor on Tuesday and I gained 2 more pounds which puts me at 14 pounds gained in total! Maternity Clothes?   Loving my maternity jeans in this chilly weather. Also grabbed a couple cute tops from Savers while out and about. I adore that store because it has good brands of clothing for soooo cheap!! Stretch Marks? Negative. Fruit/Veggie Size?   She was a pineapple last week, this week she is a large cantaloupe! :) Sleep?   It’s okay, I can’t really complain this week. I have felt so rested lately, thank you Jesus! Best Moment This Week:   David and I rearranged the nursery furniture and he hung up some pictures! I am in love! I still have a few more things I want to buy for the room but so far it is just precious. Sometimes I stare at the crib and think, in just about a month we will be putting a little girl inside of it! I can’t wait, I really can’t! **Another thi...

33 Weeks

33Weeks Total Weight Gain:   I don’t know! I don't have a scale but I have a doc appointment next Tuesday. Maternity Clothes?   Nothing new! Stretch Marks? None,so far. Sleep?   I think I jinxed myselfwhen I said last week “Once I fall asleep, I stay asleep” because now not onlyis it hard to fall asleep but I wake up once or twice in the night from beingkicked by my precious growing baby or the need to urinate…I’m sure you momsremember what that’s like right? I can only be frustrated for a second until Iremember this miraculous life inside me- Praise the Lord for kicking babiesthat won’t let you sleep! :) Best Moment This Week:   The best moment this week was ordering the crib! Myparents got us a crib and dresser as the baby shower gift and it should arrivethis week or middle of next. The dresser was in stock so we already have that-it’s a beautiful light oak color which matches the crib perfectly. Never in amillion years did I think I woul...