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35 weeks

35 Weeks (Father-to-Be Day)
Decided to have David share his perspective on things- it's Father-to-be Day on the blog! :)

Total Weight Gain: Im a pretty solid 195lbs.

Fruit/Veggie Size:   Honey-dew melon.Not " Honey do list" please dont confuse the growth of the baby with the growth of my chores! Just kidding!

Stretch Marks?  Well I did have a few Big Macs this week... Just kidding. No stretch marks for either of us. At the rate Sarah applies belly oils and lotion, there is no chance!
Sleep?  From what she says shes been sleeping like a baby meaning up every few hours and having a hard time sleeping. Me on the other hand I sleep like a teenager-once im out im out til that darn alarm clock goes off!
Best Moment This Week:  Although typically males arent highly interested in the baby shower, I thought it would mean something to Sarah if I was there even for a little bit. So  I arrived just about in time to open the gifts and surprisingly and thankfully we recieved an abundance of gifts with love, and when I say with love I mean some of these gifts were handmade or books that were given had meaning and purpose behind them.
Miss Anything?  A few dollars haha I say few now but the baby isnt even here yet. YIKES!! But I wouldnt trade it for anything! Sarah and I are still pretty much the same and we are enjoying the last few weeks as just a family of two.
Movement?  She must be a future gymnast or something because she always seems to be doing kart-wheels and handstands for long periods of time! Maybe if Sarah does a kart-wheel shell go into labor :)
Food Cravings:  I've been craving a nice big fat juicy steak with some shrimp, and Sarah, she's craving a simple sandwhich and veggies.
Food Aversions:  Well I guess I wont be having my shrimp any time soon due to her lack of wanting sea-food. Not like she wanted it prior to being pregnant anyways.  Last week on our date to the Elephant Bar a someone walked by with fish and she found the smell repulsive =(.
Symptoms: I am really feeling tired lately but it has nothing to do with the pregnancy it has to do with all the hours I put in at work, while in the meantime her ankles have began to get swollen!
Belly Button:  Its definitely looking like a fishing bobber-its in one second and then when she laughs it bobs up and down. In fact I said I was nicknaming her belly button "Bobby" lol
Happy or Moody?  This is a trick question and due to fear of emotions I am pleading the fifth!
Nursery Progress:   DONE!! We just have to make a final decision about putting her name above the crib. Keep lookin' out for a special blog about the nursery later!
Looking Forward To:  Everything about having our daughter come into this world!!


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