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33 Weeks


Total Weight Gain:  I don’t know! I don't have a scale but I have a doc appointment next Tuesday.

Maternity Clothes?  Nothing new!

Stretch Marks? None,so far.

Sleep?  I think I jinxed myselfwhen I said last week “Once I fall asleep, I stay asleep” because now not onlyis it hard to fall asleep but I wake up once or twice in the night from beingkicked by my precious growing baby or the need to urinate…I’m sure you momsremember what that’s like right? I can only be frustrated for a second until Iremember this miraculous life inside me- Praise the Lord for kicking babiesthat won’t let you sleep! :)

Best Moment This Week:  The best moment this week was ordering the crib! Myparents got us a crib and dresser as the baby shower gift and it should arrivethis week or middle of next. The dresser was in stock so we already have that-it’s a beautiful light oak color which matches the crib perfectly. Never in amillion years did I think I would be excited about cribs at 21 years old- letalone a mom to-be!!

Miss Anything?  This probably soundscrazy or wrong but sometimes I miss having my body as mine. My breasts are nolonger mine as they are growing by the month in preparation for my baby’s milk,my bladder is no longer mine but a trampoline for my angel when she gets bored,my ribs aren’t mine but instead used as a jungle gym, my belly is not mine,it’s a home for her- it will carry her until I can with my own arms. I’m 100%OK with that. I thank God for these aches and pains because at least I know my littleone is safe and moving. Even after I deliver, my body still won’t be mine, I’llshare it with her for feedings, hold her tightly for hugs, protect her with myhands, kiss her with my lips, chase her with my legs…I’ll likely be dressingdifferently as most of what I wear will be covered in milk, vomit or saliva. I’llprobably never remember the old body I once had but who cares!? My body grew ababy all on its’ own and now it’s getting ready for the big day, again, all onits’ own. The female body is something to be admired. I will always seesomething beautiful about mine.

Movement?  I feel her every day andevery day I am more and more blessed by her. I can’t even type this withoutcrying so I won’t even try- I’ll just smile and cry and be OK with that :) Ialways tell David how strong she is because these movements are really startingto hurt! I dream of her, one day, dancing around and running. I don’t care ifshe is a slow runner or the clumsiest dancer- I’m her mom and her BIGGEST fanalready. The only thing I care about is keeping her happy and healthy. I’m inlove with her and can’t wait to see her wiggling and moving around OUTSIDE ofmy tummy! :) I love my girl so much. Thank you Jesus.

Food Cravings: Nothingin particular! I have noticed, though, that my appetite is bigger! Much bigger.I can eat a meal and feel like I haven’t eaten at all! I need to be carefulwith that. Haha!

Food Aversions:  Seafood.

Symptoms:  I continue to have legcramps, this time I’m getting them in my groin! Very uncomfortable. I waswalking at work the other day and all of a sudden I got a Charlie horse in mygroin. I had to stretch it out and then it felt better but man- those thingscause a big Ouch. Can’t wait for real contractions! (kidding) Other than that,I have experienced what I call the “wear and tear” of pregnancy. Achyeverything! Achy feet, shoulders, back, pelvis, even my hands are achy! I wassurprised that my back doesn’t hurt nearly as bad as I expected it to at 8months pregnant. My feet are what REALLY hurt (maybe because I’m on them 12hours each shift) and they are possibly a little swollen- can’t really tell.
Belly Button:  It remains in but wantsto come out.

Happy or Moody?  Happy! I can’tremember the last time I had a bad day- amen! David is a HUGE part of myhappiness. I am so incredibly thankful for him, his selfless heart and hisloyalty. He has GOT to be one of God’s favorites ;) He is just constantlyasking what he can do for me. Heck, I can’t even open my own door, put myslippers on or serve myself food because he is already on top of it. He is sucha prize and I’ve said it before but he KNOWS how to love an ‘acts of servicegirl’ such as myself. The other night he read a whole chapter of “The BradleyMethod” out loud- that took about an hour since the chapters are pretty long!I’m just so thankful, honored, humbled and much more by him. I think everyoneneeds a David in their life.
*Disclaimer: I am fully aware and remember that David has madeit clear that all this niceness and generosity expire February 21,2013 ;)

Nursery Progress:  AsI mentioned, the crib is on its’ way! Once we get that, we’ll be able to seteverything in place and then we’ll really be ready for her! 
Looking Forward to:  I am looking forward to my lunch date with a speciallady- Annette Taylor! She is a gift from God and the sweetest spiritualmom/mentor. She has all boys but I think God gave her a heart for young womenbecause she just pours her love out and has shown me nothing but support andencouragement. Thank you Lord- I am one blessed girl!


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