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Showing posts from September, 2012

Come read what my little mango and I have been up to :)

19 WEEKS Total Weight Gain:  None. Same as last week. Maternity Clothes?   My pants and shorts don’t want to button anymore but I have still worn them wearing a hair tie with them so it’s fine. As it gets colder, I’ll be able to wear my maternity jeans! My tummy has been feeling so tight lately so I’m wondering if I should start wearing a belly band or something because it’s uncomfortable! Also, due to the fact that my bras don’t fit anymore, I was able to get some padded sports bras which is God’s gift to me! SO comfortable! Have You Started to Show?   Yes, and my little sweetie is now a mango :) and 6 ½ inches long according to my nurse at the ultrasound- Praise God! Stretch Marks?   Nope. But I realized last week  I said I was using Palmer’s body butter but I was wrong- it’s actually Palmer’s TUMMY butter. I like it but it’s super oily/greasy so I’m trying to get my hands on the lotion formula and try that out. Sleep? ...

My Sweet Potato! 18 weeks!

18 WEEKS Total Weight Gain:   No , Still -2lbs. I weighed myself after I ate breakfast and I was the same as last week. Maternity Clothes?   I am loving the maternity leggings I have although they are still slightly big on me since they were a hand me down from a friend. I don’t plan on buying any brand new maternity clothes unless I need to later on down the road. I have noticed my shorts and pants wont button anymore which is sad! I’ve been wearing them but using that awesome hair tie trick to keep them fastened.   Have You Started to Show?   Yeah! Stretch Marks?  No!  And hopefully I will never be answering "yes."  I've been using some regular lotion and oil, but that is running out!  David got me Palmer’s Body Butter so I’m gonna use that and hope it works! Sleep?   It’s okay. Sometimes I sleep through the night, other nights I wake up once. Sleeping on my tummy is getting uncomfortable so I...

17 Weeks!

17 WEEKS Total Weight Gain:  I went to the doctor on Tuesday and I gained 3 pounds since last week but that is still -2 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight! Technically I still have not gained any weight!  I’m getting there slowly I’m not worried and the doctor said everything looks great. She said I am one of her lowest risk pregnancy patients and also one of the healthiest! She said I’m too easy. I’m praying that it stays that way. Anyways, I'm getting bigger each week so the weight must be coming shortly behind.   Maternity Clothes?   I'm realizing that I need to get some maternity leggings.  I thought my normal ones would do just fine, but that waistband is sure uncomfortable! I do have one pair from one of my friends but they are still slightly big for me. Have You Started to Show?   Yes! I am really glad too because it will only get bigger from here! David really likes the bump (as do I) and he talks to the baby al...

4 months prego!

Some how, I messed up the order of my posts and was suppose to include week 15 in the last post because today I am 16 weeks. I tell you, I'm horrible at blogging! Anyways, here is week 15 and 16 and hopefully after this I wont screw up again. Enjoy! 16 WEEKS Total Weight Gain:  So in total, I am down 5 pounds since the start of the pregnancy. Most of these categories are the same week after week! Maybe next week I’ll be able to report some weight gain but right now it remains in the negatives!       Maternity Clothes?   Again, nothing different to report here! Still fitting in regular clothes and probably won’t need my maternity jeans until next month. Have You Started to Show?   Okay, the 16 week mark was definitely the “popping” phase for me! There is most definitely a bump there! It is cute, I’m not gonna lie! I can’t wait for this little angel to starting growing even bigger and start developing his or her own features. I...

We're Expecting!

We Are Expecting!!! Baby Wuerfel is expected to arrive in February2013! David & I are soexcited to welcome the new addition to our family!  This has beensuch a fun, exciting and surprising time. We are truly enjoying everyminute of this unexpected blessing. I can't believe how fast the weekshave flown by. Too fast it seems!  I have loved being pregnant! We arepushing through all the challenges ahead and growing stronger and stronger asthe days go on. We are so happy to have wonderful people in our lives who wantto encourage and help us through our journey. God is truly working in us and Iam so grateful  and comforted by the factthat God is in the center of this and has His hand on us.    14 WEEKS Total WeightGain:   I weighed myself acouple of days ago and I was 127 lbs which means I’m still 3 pounds lighterthan I was before. I think I can thank morning sickness and throwing up forthose pounds lost. I’m not too worried b...