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4 months prego!

Some how, I messed up the order of my posts and was suppose to include week 15 in the last post because today I am 16 weeks. I tell you, I'm horrible at blogging! Anyways, here is week 15 and 16 and hopefully after this I wont screw up again. Enjoy!


Total Weight Gain: So in total, I am down 5 pounds since the start of the pregnancy. Most of these categories are the same week after week! Maybe next week I’ll be able to report some weight gain but right now it remains in the negatives!    

Maternity Clothes?  Again, nothing different to report here! Still fitting in regular clothes and probably won’t need my maternity jeans until next month.

Have You Started to Show?  Okay, the 16 week mark was definitely the “popping” phase for me! There is most definitely a bump there! It is cute, I’m not gonna lie! I can’t wait for this little angel to starting growing even bigger and start developing his or her own features. I keep forgetting to mention this in the past posts but our little baby is the size of an avocado right now! That is so cool to picture! When I found out I was pregnant, the baby was the size of a blueberry so he or she has definitely grown a lot!

Stretch Marks?  Still none!

Sleep? Apparently I’m still talking in my sleep! I only remember my dreams sometimes but supposedly I talk every night. If I’m not speaking then I’m making some sort of noise. Besides that, I’m still sleeping through the night so I will enjoy that while it lasts.

Best Moment This Week: Well even though it hasn’t happened yet, I think the best moment will be when we take the gender prediction test! I know a couple people who did that and it was right so I hope ours is! I really want it to be accurate because I want David to be the first to know. He mentioned how much that would mean to him so I am really excited to take it for him! We are planning to buy the test in the next day or so. The only bummer about the test is that it costs nearly $30! That’s okay though, it’s totally worth it! Other than that, I was very excited to know that I got a job as a nurse assistant at the hospital! This is something I busted butt in January for to get certified. I had extremely long days for the schooling and still had a full time job but I got it done and earned the certification. Getting my CNA license through the State Board was such a hassle but it eventually came through. I had been following up with the Nurse manager for the surgery floor and was anxiously waiting for an opening. I love surgery! It’s so interesting and my dream is to be a scrub nurse in the OR someday- that would be awesome! For now, landing a job as an assistant on that floor was such a great feeling! It’s also the hospital I will be delivering in so that comes with tons of great benefits for us!

Miss Anything?  Nothing new that I can think of. Well, sometimes when I think of sweets, my mind wants it because I used to love desserts! I just know that when I eat them I don’t like it. I once told David that I wish I could go to a fancy restaurant and just sample a ton of desserts while drinking coffee! That would be a pretty awesome date! Now when I think of that, it still sounds fantastic except I know I don’t like desserts right now! It’s like a confusing mind trick!

Movement?  So, this morning when I woke up I felt that “bubble popping” sensation I mentioned last post but it just feels like gas to me! It doesn’t really feel like baby movement but it might be, I don’t know! I will have to meditate on that movement when it happens and see if I can tell a difference. If it is movement then I’m really excited and hope it happens more often and I also hope it gets stronger. I still can’t wait for that first definite kick!

Food Cravings: Something veryyyy strange happened to me the other day! At work, I saw my co-worker eating a fish sandwich and I could not take my eyes off of it! I wanted one so bad and I couldn’t help myself! I needed one. Now, the weird thing about this is- I have NEVER liked seafood at all! Fish, shrimp, just anything seafood would gross me out. I have never been a seafood person so when I got this fish craving, I almost didn’t believe it. However, It was so delicious! Delicious and weird all at once. Besides that, I’m noticing that instead of feeling like I’m “eating for two” I actually don’t eat too much at each meal. I’ll eat half of a meal and feel really full. If I try to keep eating I start to feel nauseous! It’s weird but I’ve read that soon I might start to feel even hungrier and eat a lot more food than I ever had. I like watching pregnancy vlogs on YouTube and one girl said that in the second trimester she was so hungry she could eat a large pizza by herself! That scares me! I don’t want to be THAT hungry because that means too much weight gain. I want to keep balancing the food I eat so I don’t become overweight.

Food Aversions:  Nothing new in this area.

Symptoms: I read a lot about pregnancy online or watch vlogs and a lot of stuff scares the crap out of me. I have heard that red swollen and bleeding gums could be a symptom that I could develop starting now and that is both creepy and disgusting all at once! The thought of a bloody smile is the most unattractive thing ever! I also hear that some women experience feet growth! I know someone who said her feet grew one size and she had to buy new shoes because she no longer fit in her old ones! I thought she just got swollen feet but she said her doctor actually told her the bones in her feet grew! That is another thing that freaks me out. I do not want bigger feet! David said I worry too much about these things and he said he wouldn’t care even if I had a size 9 foot! I’m a 6 right now so a size 9 foot would be awful in so many ways. In the end, all that matters is our baby. So even if I had a ton of gross symptoms or side effects, it wouldn’t matter as long as my baby is perfect- and we all know that’s already a for sure thing! ;) Besides all of these scary symptoms that I don’t even have, the only new things I’m noticing is my belly is looking a little more hairy than normal. Not sure if that’s hormones or the prenatal pills but I am definitely noticing peach fuzz above my belly button. Not the most attractive thing but oh well…it’s not a huge deal. Another thing I noticed is, my boobs are (obviously bigger) but also veiny! I can definitely see some blue and green little veins through my skin. It’s so strange discovering all these new things happening.    

Staying Active? Still following this pregnancy workout routine and stretch exercise from a girl I found on YouTube. She has so many cute ideas, and I love hearing the different things she is experiencing throughout her pregnancy. I have used a lot of tips from her including outfit ideas, diet, etc. If you want to look her up on YouTube her name is Anna Saconne and her YouTube name is TheStyleDiet. I just adore her and think she has a lot of cute ideas and even beauty related tips to stay looking your best while pregnant!

Belly Button:   In, but changing like crazy! I think it gets wider every day. This darn belly button is slowly working its’ way out and I’m not too excited about that. Oh well!

Happy or Moody?   Lately, I am happy all the time! I’m starting to really love being prego more and more each day. Another thing that makes me happy is that my family is always talking about the baby and they all cannot wait to know the gender! My mom said as soon as we find out, all the girls (Sophia, Lindsey, my Mom and I) will all go shopping together and look at cute baby stuff! I am so excited for that! We also want to decorate onsies for the baby and personalize them and make cute designs on them. I’m very anxious to know which gender our little darling is!

Nursery Progress: Again, once we know the gender we can start going nuts with the nursery! We haven’t bought any items yet but that will change in the coming weeks! I have been looking all over pintrest at nurseries to get ideas and I found one that I absolutely love and will use as a reference. I definitely don’t want to go with blue or pink, I want to make it a little more unique and experiment with different colors and décor.

Looking Forward to:  I really look forward to starting my new job and earning more money so I can start saving more for the baby! The hospital also offers overtime and I’ve talked to multiple people who do that so I might squeeze in extra days until the baby comes so we have more to save. I’m just feeling so loved, protected, and blessed by the Lord and from David and my family. It feels so good knowing I am loved through all this, especially from David. My parents and friends are also amazing and I am so undeserving of all this love but I feel so thankful!


Total Weight Gain:  I weighed myself again after I ate lunch the other day and I dropped another 2 pounds!! I don’t know why I keep dropping but I’m loving this little baby bump I have so I’m not too worried about weight gain right now. The doctor said it’s very common for some women to lose weight in the beginning and gain later. In the weeks and months to come I know I will put on more weight so I’m just waiting.   

Maternity Clothes? Not really. I tried wearing some maternity jeans the other day and I’m just too small! I guess this is not a bad thing. I’m still able to wear all my regular clothes and I’m feeling more confident with my tummy now. It looks like a bump and not just added weight! I hear these coming weeks are when thinner women tend to “pop” so I’m hoping that means me!

Have You Started to Show? I think yes for sure! This is even the week when people from work started noticing! That’s how I know there is something there because I wear loose fitting scrubs at work. I like that others are starting to notice but I’m scared too because I know I’m only going to get bigger and I refuse to be that big belly waddler! (I’ll probably take that back in the third trimester.)  

Stretch Marks? Nope!  

Sleep? I have been sleeping through the night lately, which is nice. The minute I open my eyes I have to pee like a racehorse but other than that, the sleeping is fine. I wish I could sleep in more though! Lindsey has been telling me that I talk a lot while dreaming and plans to record me sometime. The other night I had a dream I was ordering a sandwich from Subway and when I woke up I was saying the ingredients I wanted out loud! That actually made me giggle!

Best Moment This Week: The best moment this week was going to California and seeing my brother graduate from recruiting school. I am so proud of my big brother I even cried! He and I have been so close since we were little and when he went to the marines I wasn’t able to see him nearly as much but when he visits, it’s always good to just joke around and hang out like old times. He also got to see my belly for the first time since he found out I was pregnant and he got to put his hand on my tummy! It’s so nice when each member of my family is especially involved in their own way.

Miss Anything?  I miss running. I have wanted to run for a while now but I have to wait to ask my doctor and when I had my last visit, I forgot to ask. There is something in me that says “run” so I am constantly feeling that urge to just get up and go!  I’m not talking about anything hardcore, just a light jog. Both of my brothers have said they would go with me in the evenings and take it easy with me so that makes me want to run even more. Once I ask the doctor I will see whether I can or not.

Movement? I hear the first movements will feel like bubbles popping or flutters that feel like “butterflies” so I don’t know how to tell if I have felt movement yet. My doctor told me that smaller women feel movement sooner so I hope I will feel something soon, I’m getting desperate!

Food Cravings: My go-to food (besides fruit and veggies) has been sopa with lots of cheese!  I have eaten that a few times a week! So yummy! Another thing I crave is carbonation! I know that’s not the best thing to want but sometimes I can’t help it!

Food Aversions: Still desserts. Other than that I’m able to eat mostly anything.

Symptoms:  So my morning sickness has been fluctuating lately. When I was 14 weeks I still had it but not every day. I think I woke up feeling great once or twice. Now, at 15 weeks I am feeling much better and I only had nausea twice this week! Hopefully next week it goes away! The cool thing is- morning sickness hasn’t been an all-day thing for me. Usually once I get sick in the morning it goes away for the rest of the day so that’s been good! Other than that I get achiness in my legs, knees, and back because of all the walking, bending over, pushing and pulling I do at work. By the end of the week, all I want is a full body massage!

Staying Active?  Besides walking a lot and stairs at work I haven’t worked out yet! I’m getting annoyed with myself now because I want to get the ball rolling! I do some stretching everyday but I really want some strength training! I’ve been doing a mild pregnancy exercise routine from a video I found on YouTube but it’s nothing that feels like a real work out! I think I am wanting to push myself a little harder and really do some harder work outs. Again, I can’t do anything until I ask my doctor but I’m really anxious to start!

Belly Button:  Changing all the time! I don’t want it to pop out but I think it’s definitely headed that way.

Happy or Moody?  Now that I’m not feeling as sick and I’m getting a bump, I am feeling so happy. My parents and siblings have been giving David and I name suggestions and we think we are getting closer to the name we want! It’s just a matter of final decisions. We have pretty much decided on the first name for each gender but it’s the middle names that stump us! We are NOT telling anyone the final decision on names so that will be a secret until the baby is born. We figured we would tell the gender but keep the name a secret! I know I will be able to bite my tongue, I just hope David won’t spill the beans!

Nursery Progress: The nursery is still non-existent until we know the gender! Once we know, we will be able to start getting stuff and prepping the baby room! I’m really excited to design the room because this is something I never expected to be doing anytime soon! All this stuff is so new to me but I am feeling super excited now that the time is here. It’s still crazy to think I’m pregnant. I never thought it would be me, but now I can’t imagine my life any other way. I have wanted to be a mom since I played with baby dolls as a little girl but now it’s real, and it blows my mind every day!

Looking Forward to:  Still just knowing the gender. I hear some women “just know” but for me I have no clue. I think I always pictured myself with boys and never thought of having a daughter so I feel like we will get a girl. David would love a tiny girl to be his little “outdoor girl” and I would absolutely adore seeing him bond with our daughter! My relationship with my dad is so strong and I would love for my daughter to have that with David. If we get a boy the relationships between us and him would still be strong, except we would have a little hunter on our hands! Either way, I am just sooo thrilled!!!


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