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We're Expecting!

We Are Expecting!!!
Baby Wuerfel is expected to arrive in February2013!
David & I are soexcited to welcome the new addition to our family!  This has beensuch a fun, exciting and surprising time. We are truly enjoying everyminute of this unexpected blessing. I can't believe how fast the weekshave flown by. Too fast it seems!  I have loved being pregnant! We arepushing through all the challenges ahead and growing stronger and stronger asthe days go on. We are so happy to have wonderful people in our lives who wantto encourage and help us through our journey. God is truly working in us and Iam so grateful  and comforted by the factthat God is in the center of this and has His hand on us.   


Total WeightGain:  I weighed myself acouple of days ago and I was 127 lbs which means I’m still 3 pounds lighterthan I was before. I think I can thank morning sickness and throwing up forthose pounds lost. I’m not too worried because I know soon I will start to puton more weight, I’m just hoping working out will keep me fit and I’ll only gainbaby weight and not anything extra.

Maternity Clothes? I’m still too small to wear maternity clothesbut I have been loving dresses! They make me feel pretty and I’m never insecureabout my belly looking “chubby”. In the next few weeks I’m hoping to have amore noticeable bump so I can fit into some of the items I have. Seeing howmuch my belly has changed is truly such an amazing thing!

Have You Started toShow? The only people whohonestly see that I have a little bump, is Sophia, Lindsey and David. They seeme all the time so they notice it more than others. I really like that David isalways rubbing, touching, or talking to my belly. According to the baby app Idownloaded on my phone, the baby is starting to pick up sounds from outside andin the next week will be able to hear our voices! That excites me so muchbecause soon he or she will be able to hear mommy and daddy’s voices! So muchfun! I also love that Lindsey takes pictures of my belly, it really shows howmuch she is interested and involved with us, I just love her.

Stretch Marks? I have been religious with lotion and in thenext few days, I’m going to try to pick up some oil called “Bio Oil” that Ihear works well. Again, I know there really isn’t a way to prevent stretchmarks and if they come, so be it. I just don’t see harm in staying moisturizedand if I can minimize stretch marks in any way I’ll be glad!

Sleep? Sleep is getting alittle bit better…for now. I have my alarm set for 5:30 AM and I usually ALWAYSopen my eyes naturally between 5 and 5:15 am. Waking up at 5 AM and realizing Icould have slept for another half hour really frustrates me because I can neverfall back asleep soon enough. Other than that, I can’t complain too much aboutsleeping. In the next few months sleeping will be a battle again when I have ahuge belly I can’t sleep on. My prayer is that David and I will get plenty ofrest before the baby comes!

Best Moment This Week: I think the best moment was when David gothired at 3 different places all in a week! He ended up picking the one thatpaid the most and he really likes it. We are so happy and proud of him. He isone of the hardest working people I know, I appreciate him every day! Godreally pulled through for David (not shocked) and it proves that God trulyknows our needs and WILL provide when we are faithful to Him. AMEN!

Miss Anything?  Coffee! Throughout the whole firsttrimester, I never drank coffee because I heard it was harmful to the baby andcould possibly cause a miscarriage. Now that I’m in the second trimester, I’vestarted to try decaf coffee and that is working for me! I only have one cup ata time and I usually don’t even finish the cup. I have an appointment with mydoctor in a couple weeks so I will ask about any food and drinks to avoid.

Movement? Nope! Hopefully next week! I’m more excitedfor David to be able to feel the movement so he can feel more connected withour little one. I’m excited too and I cannot wait to let others feel thekicking as well!

Food Cravings: This week was nothing specific. Sincethe start I have craved fruit and veggies and I still get my daily portions ofeach. I’m currently eating peaches right now as I type this! I’m happy I haven’tcraved too much junk food, although, the other day I saw a billboard for Jackin the Box and they were showing off their new All-American triple cheeseburgerand I couldn’t resist. We ended up eating there and it was everything I hopedand dreamed it would be. ;)

Food Aversions: Sweets! I still can’tstand chocolate, pies, ice cream (frozen yogurt is my only exception), cake,brownies etc. Every once in a while I’ll suck on a lollipop because it helpswith nausea. I have no idea why I hate the idea of sweets but I just can’t doit. Yesterday I tried eating a chocolate donut and I couldn’t take more than acouple bites. So weird!

Symptoms:  Every week seems to be a little different. The other day I was having lots of tailbone pain, but more recently I have had"round ligament pain" (from everything in my abdomen stretching inpreparation); nothing too painful thus far. Still some nausea in themorning but nothing I can’t handle.

Staying Active?  I have been taking stairs at work and trustme, that means a lot of stairs because I am constantly walking! It’s tiringbeing on my feet so much but I like getting any exercise. Tonight I am going tostart jogging around the block and hopefully start an at-home workout routine thatis safe for pregnancy. Lindsey and I are also hoping to push each other in thelap pool at the gym and maybe take some classes there. I really like havingsomeone to workout with because it makes it more fun and it encourages me!

Belly Button:  Still "in" but really starting tolook different.  It's much wider and not as deep as before. My bellybutton piercing is definitely going to have to come out which is sad becausethe hole from the piercing is really starting to look odd! If I had to guessright now, I think it will pop out during my pregnancy.  I'm weirdedout by that thought!

Happy or Moody?  Happy but I have the occasional breakdown asusual. David is amazing when it comes to break downs but sometimes he really doesn’tknow what to do. I feel sorry for him sometimes but feel beyond blessed at hispatience. In the end, a warm hug and words of affirmation usually do the trick.He is a true gift to me and the baby. Another thing is that when I get carsick, I tend to get snappy and a little rude. The other day I was getting carsick and upset and David prayed for me right there in the car and that reallyhelped and made me feel awesome! He really does every little thing he can tohelp this pregnancy go as smooth as possible. I love him!

Nursery Progress: My parents have graciously offered tobuy our nursery furniture for us! I was extremely surprised when my mom told methat but beyond thankful. I never expected my parents to do such a HUGE favorwithout me asking so I felt overwhelmed with happiness! When I told David, hisjaw about dropped! Baby furniture is NOT the cheapest furniture out there andDavid and I had started saving for it ahead of time but now we are able to putthat money into other things, like a travel system or pack n play etc. We havelooked at different ones and are so anxious to know what they sex is so we canfinally pick the one we want! Once we know the gender, we are both going to splurgeat least once!  

Looking Forwardto:  Finding out thegender! We will be able to know as early as next week, but our next ultrasound isn’tfor a couple weeks. David and I have decided to try an at-home genderprediction test but David is the only one who will see the results (I’m goingto wait). If the test is right once we get it confirmed then he will have beenthe absolute FIRST person to know the sex of our munchkin! That made him veryhappy and excited. We have also decided to have a gender reveal party where wewill have a get together with family and friends to announce whether our babyis a prince or princess! I’m very excited because I will be just as surprisedas everyone else!
*When I go in for my anatomy scan I will beaccompanied by my mom and Lindsey. (David will be working but he will havealready known the gender, hopefully)
When the doctor is ready to reveal the genderI will look away and only Lindsey and my mom will know the sex. Once they know,they will be able to plan the gender reveal party and know which color tosurprise everyone with. :)

Here are a couple posts from the last 2 weeks that I started with:

Total WeightGain:  0 lbs.  My doctorsays this is fairly common in the first three months, but by my next couple appointmentsI should have put on some pounds

MaternityClothes? Yep! My awesomefriend Bethany gave me a bunch of pants, shorts, leggings, and tops! She is sosweet! Maternity clothes are definitely not cheap so it was a blessing indisguise.

Have You Started toShow? I definitely think so,but no strangers have said anything yet. It looks more like a food babythan a real baby but none the less, this bulge was definitely not here before!:)

Stretch Marks? Not yet, and hopefully never!  I want tostart using lotion or oils to prevent stretch marks although I've heardthat stretch marks tend to be genetic.

Sleep? Not the best through the first trimester. Inever used to wake up in the middle of the night and now I wake up at leastonce or twice to pee! It’s such an inconvenience. Other than that, I’m fine. Ineed to stop drinking water before bed!

Best Moment ThisWeek: Waking up today and remembering that I am 12 weeks! Yay! I was glad torealize I am 3 months! 6 months to go!

Miss Anything?  I miss the feeling of not feelingnauseous all the time! I can never know what food will make me sick.

Movement? Not yet, but I am anxiouslywaiting.  Most women feel the first movement between 16-20 weeks, so I’llhave to wait a few more weeks!

Food Cravings: I’ve been craving a lot of differentthings: Turkey sandwiches on multigrain bread, canned peaches in syrup,cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, and mustard (weird, cuz I HATED mustard before Iwas pregnant). 

Food Aversions: Meat!  It's been unfortunate but any timeI’ve thrown up, it was because I had eaten meat. The sad thing is, I want itbut I don’t want it! I crave steak but last time I tried that, I threw it upalmost right after. I tried eating a cheeseburger and immediately threw it up.At this point, I wish I didn’t crave it but, I do! Sometimes I can eat it andit stays down but it’s honestly hard to tell! It’s like a game! I know I don’treally want it but I still eat it anyways. It’s such a weird battle I have withmyself.

Symptoms: Shortly after Ifound out I was pregnant I started feeling sick in the mornings. I was 5 weekswhen I found out but didn’t feel sick until about 7 weeks. Even though I don’tactually “throw up” in the morning, It is still an awful feeling. Dry heavingon an empty stomach usually ends in throwing up stomach acid (bile) and itburns and tastes horrid. The morning sickness is definitely not something Iwill miss when it’s gone! On the contrary, MS actually makes me feel betterbecause I know there is a sweet little life growing inside me. I praise God forthe pain and discomfort  when I think ofthe true miracle of a baby. He deserves all the honor and glory.
 Another symptom I’ve noticed is myhair has gotten extremely dry! I’ve always had dry hair but when I got pregnantI realized how much MORE dry my hair and scalp have gotten. Maybe it’s acoincidence, but that’s definitely something I noticed. My scalp was so drythat even scratching it once would cause flakes to appear in my hair, it’sgross! I ended up having to use this special shampoo that smells like car oil,but at least the dryness is gone now. Other than those two symptoms, I’ve hadtender/growing breasts but it hasn’t been that bad and fatigue has hit me likea train going full speed! I can’t function without 8-10 hours each night.Growing a human is tiring!!!

 Staying Active?  Since I was feeling sick and tired in thebeginning, I stopped working out but I definitely want to try to get back intowork out classes or even the pool! I also want to hike, bike, run a little andwalk!

BellyButton:  Right now, it looksexactly the same as always. I do have a feeling that it will pop out later butI really hope not! David said a popped out belly button would gross him out.I’m with him on that one! I have a belly ring and I have a feeling I will endup taking it out as the belly button changes.

Happy orMoody?  I’m usually happy 9 times out of 10, but I definitely have had mymoments!

Nursery Progress: This early on, we don’t have a nurseryyet but we’ve gone to babies-R-us to look at furniture and we couldn’t decideone which color of furniture to get! I want white and David likes the darkcherry oak color. We finally agreed on a cinnamon natural wood color. Eitherway, I’m glad he actually wants to be involved with the nursery!

 Looking Forward to:  A more noticeablebaby bump! David and I see a bump but I know it’s not too noticeable to others.I’m also at the phase where normal shirts make me look chubby rather thanpregnant, so I usually reach for loose fitting tops.


Total WeightGain:  -3.6 lbs! When we wentto my appointment on Tuesday I stepped on the scale feeling slightly nervousbecause I haven’t been exercising nearly the way I should be and I’ve beeneating my cravings like nobody’s business! However, when I got on, I was justover 3 pounds lighter than I was before! Not sure if it was because I threw upmy breakfast in the car on the way to the appointment (I was not happy aboutthis!) or if all my weight is migrating towards the belly area. Either way, I’mhappy that I’m healthy and the baby is growing!

MaternityClothes?  Still loving the fewmaternity items I own, but I am not big enough to wear any of it yet. If Ireally wanted to, I could wear the shirts and some of the bottoms but I feelsilly because I don’t really need to. Most of my pants and shorts still fitfine, it’s the shirts that give me grief! My regular fitted shirts make me feelchubby and not so much “cute” so I’m still wear loose fitting tops which isokay, I just want to start showing more so I can wear whatever tops I want!Since fall and winter are coming, I need to invest in a really nice long warmcoat! It’s a little sad that my belly will be hidden most of the time withwinter clothes but it’s better than carrying a huge belly during the hotsummer!

Have You Started toShow?  There is definitelysomething there, but I want it to get bigger asap! ;)

Stretch Marks?  I don’t have anyright now, I’m prepared to get them later but I’m going to try my best to keepmy skin moisturized and oiled up! I know stretch marks are genetic but itdoesn’t mean I won’t try to stop them!

Sleep?  Not so great this week. I have tossed andturned and wake up at least once at night to pee. This is something I findextremely inconvenient! Gone are the days when I slept all through the nightwithout waking up once! I try not to drink water before bed but it doesn’twork! I also woke up one morning with an incredibly sore back! It felt like Ihad done hours of back work outs and my muscles were letting me know! I haven’tbeen working out (although I plan to start this week) so I think I just sleptwrong. Either way, my back was killing me all day!

Best Moment ThisWeek:  Having frozen yogurtwith our friends Cory and Sarah. Sarah was my 5th grade teacher andnow, years later, were friends! Cory and Sarah are like another set of parentsfor me and I love them so much! We got to share the news with them and theywere so shocked but 100% supportive of us. We had a great talk and prayedtogether. It makes us feel SO good knowing we have people who are so eager tojoin us on this journey of a lifetime! God has surrounded us with awesomepeople who want nothing but the best for us and to watch us succeed. I feellike one lucky girl!

MissAnything?  Even though I canstill do this, it makes me sad knowing that soon I won’t be able to lay on mystomach anymore. I’m savoring every chance I get but I can’t imagine beingcomfortable any other way! Other than that, I still miss NOT throwing up everymorning! 

Movement?  Still waiting...and not so patiently.  Ijust cannot wait for that first little kick! I realize that’s a ways away but Istill dream of that moment!

FoodCravings:  I’m a big fan of fruitand veggies but my cravings seem to change in phases. I used to be a huge fanof turkey sandwiches and now I can’t get my mind off of spaghetti and meatsauce! I’m doing much better with meat so I am able to eat it with no problem.Going back to the fruit craving, I love any fruit I can get my hands on,especially peaches! Last night, we went for frozen yogurt again with somefriends and David asked if I had actually gotten any yogurt because my bowl wasoverflowing with fruit! I was really loving kiwi and mango with the yogurt butI also added blueberries, strawberries, and pineapple!

FoodAversions:  Lastnight at Yogurtland, Lindsey got a bunch of chocolate candy and chocolate syrupin her yogurt and it repulsed me! Normally I love chocolate but for somereason, it grossed me out last night! Any thought of brownies, cake or piesmakes me want to pass which is very strange because I LOVE that stuff. Weird!:)

Symptoms:  I feel great!  I just pray the morningsickness goes away, and soon! I am going on 6 weeks straight and now, I gostraight to the bathroom sink as soon as I wake up because I know what willhappen. Sad!
StayingActive?  Going to the gym thisweek, I swear!  I do a ton of walking at work (I’m talking miles a day!)but, I really want to get into some cardio classes at the gym and maybe jump inthe pool.

BellyButton:  Still in, hopefully itstays in!

Happy or Moody?  So happy 99% of the time!  I didhave a small meltdown when David decided to pour his heart out one night. Itwas all sweet stuff, but I couldn’t keep the tears from falling! Also, when Iread or hear sad stories, it triggers me to start the water works but I usuallydo well at containing myself! I refuse to be “that” girl who cries every 5minutes!

NurseryProgress:  It is so hard not tobuy anything, but I am holding out until we know the gender. Once we knowwhether it’s a girl or boy, I might go crazy! :) So far EVERYONE thinks it’s agirl and I personally dream of girls too, but I always pictured myself withboys. I will be so happy with whatever God gives us!

Looking Forwardto:  Our NT ultrasoundtoday! It’s a 4D ultrasound that looks at the thickness of the baby’s neck andalso the spine to determine the likelihood of chromosome disorders like downsyndrome, scoliosis, sickle cell disease and other deformities. Honestly, Iwill love my baby NO MATTER WHAT! I really just want the ultrasound because itmeans I get to see my baby! 


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