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Breast Feeding Essentials

I cannot believe I will have a 1 year old in 12 days! That not only marks by baby’s first birthday but also 1 full year of breastfeeding! My original goal was to make it to 6 months and now we have doubled that goal!  It has bonded Gracelyn and I and I don’t want that to end anytime soon! I put together my favorite items for breastfeeding and just some small tips towards the end. Hope you enjoy.

1.      -Boppy Pillow: I had said I could do without the boppy pillow but David surprised me one day and came home with this. Since then I have used it at basically every nursing session and it provides amazing comfort and support while breastfeeding (OR bottle feeding). I think it would work for both. This is the one I have and I like that it has a zipper so I can remove it and wash it or change out different covers!

2.      -Medela Double Breast Pump/ Hand Pump: Both of these pumps are life savers! I used the hand pump for the first weeks while I waited for the electric one. I don’t think I would have been as successful with breastfeeding had it not been for these two things. I can pump randomly when I want to add to my freezer stash and I take the hand pump with me when I travel. Must haves and so worth the money, although I got both of mine through my insurance company!

3.      -Milk Storage Bags: Freezing milk just wouldn’t be possible without these gems. I bring these with me to work when I pump and store my milk. They aren’t exactly cheap but the target brand is usually the one I reach for and they have done very well.

4.    -  Mother’s Milk Tea: I have been drinking this stuff since the beginning. It has fenugreek, blessed thistle and a few other herbs that promote healthy lactation. It is yummy hot or cold and I always have some on hand for random days when I feel I need a boost. I used to drink this everyday but now I just drink it now and again. I believe this really helped me build my supply early on and also helps with the occasional lift! I was so scared of losing my milk in the beginning, so I took extreme measures to make sure that didn’t happen. In addition to the Mother’s Milk, I took about 3 Fenugreek pills a day and I felt that it kept my milk coming. (Got mine at Sprouts) I still take these but not nearly as often. Like the tea, I usually pop a couple in my mouth at random and I still have a pretty good supply so it must work!

6.      -Nursing Bra: These just make like so much easier. I have upgraded to the padded nursing bras and I have liked using them. They are comfortable and provide enough “easy access”, if you will, for the task at hand! It took me a good 5 months in, but I also did buy the hands free bra for pumping at work while eating lunch and it has made such a convenient difference.

7.     - Tumbler: This is just a cute fun way to carry your water or tea around. I love mason jars so this one is perfect for me. I already have it in two colors! I take this with me when I’m out and about or when I’m nursing in the recliner.

8.      -Nursing Cover: I only used a cover for the first few months because I was still insecure and learning. It helped me when we were out at restaurants or visiting some place because at that point I was still feeding every 2 hours. After a few months Gracelyn hated being covered and I became much more confident in the task. I don’t even know where my cover is anymore but they are cute and have tons of awesome patterns to choose from.

I’m no genius and I have only experienced nursing for about a year but I feel these small tips can be useful to someone out there.

·        EAT. Seriously, I have not experienced a bigger decrease in supply than when I don’t eat enough. Have lots of healthy and hearty snacks on hand that way you don’t forget to eat between meals- and bring them with you! Throw them in your diaper bag and snack as the day goes. Ask anyone who knows me and they will confirm that I am always eating! A few of my favorite snacks that I keep in the fridge/pantry are: Cottage cheese with pineapple chucks, trail mix bars, avocado (plain), pretzel chips and hummus, fruit smoothies, yogurt, cuties, carrots, and plain raw almonds just to name a few!
·        Going along those lines…DRINK. Bring your water bottle everywhere and keep filling up. It is amazing how much you DON’T pee when you’re nursing because all that water goes right to your milk. Amazing huh?
·        Nurse on Demand: Don’t worry about “schedules” that will stress you out like crazy. Just try not to go longer than 4 hours without pumping or nursing. In the early days you will know when it’s time to feed because you will feel it! Pumping was my best friend even though I was home for the first 2 months. I made sure I was keeping the milk coming and I believe my early on pumping helped a ton! Now that I don’t get as full anymore, I usually offer every 4 hours unless she has given me the cues.
·        Don’t stress: If nursing is going awful for the first month (like it was for me) just know that it will get better! The benefits of breast milk are out of this world and completely worth every ache and pain. If breastfeeding doesn’t work out for you, understand that it is OK and you are an amazing mom. You’re not a bad mom because you didn’t breast feed, you’re an amazing mom who loves that sweet baby enough to feed her any nutrition that will keep her thriving!
·        And lastly, check for lip and tongue ties before you leave the hospital. That could make all the difference in your experience! Gracelyn has a lip tie and I didn’t notice until a few months ago. Her latch was never great but we have been doing well either way, I just wonder what would have happened if I caught it earlier on.

That’s it! Thanks for reading and I Hope it was helpful! I’m sure I’m missing something but I just wanted to throw my two cents out there for you guys. Happy feeding! :) 


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