Height, Weight, Head: No updated stats but I did weigh her last Friday and she is 24 lbs. 6 oz.
My chunky girl. |
Clothes: She is all over the place but she is generally in the 12-18 month range.
Eating: I'm proud to say that we are still going strong with breastfeeding! She breastfeeds 5 times a day and lots of "snacks" in between. She is eating more and more real food too and I have had fun watching to see what she likes and dislikes. She LOVES peanut butter and French Toast the best. She loves feeding herself which is awesome because that is what I wanted for her. I love that we don't worry about who will feed her when it comes to meals because she does! My advice to anyone is to skip purees and just let them feed themselves when they are ready- it is SO much easier and a lot of fun.
At Macayo's with Tio Marc! (By the way, she does sooo good in restaurant's too, we've gotten lots of comments from strangers about her!) |
Sleeping: Last month we were waking up at midnight every night with her and now she's back to sleeping 12+ hours again. She has always been an amazing sleeper, it blows my mind. She still takes two naps a day at 10ish and 3ish. Each nap about 3 hours unless we wake her up. I adore her so.
Diapering: Size 4 pampers swaddlers! We started using Baby Dry at night and that has helped a lot so she doesn't wake up with a ginormous diaper in the morning. I am quite happy with these diapers and she still hasn't had a rash yet!
Playtime: We've been having lots of playtime with our baby friends and at home. She is using her push walker a lot now which is adorable. She is also playing with her toys more appropriately now instead of just throwing them around. She doesn't watch TV but sometimes David with put Baby Einstein's on his phone and they will lay together and watch it.

She still loves bath time! She loves splashing and standing up. What are some good bath toys? She honestly, is super content with just a plastic cup! She will fill it up and dump it out and just have a ball.
She still loves bath time! She loves splashing and standing up. What are some good bath toys? She honestly, is super content with just a plastic cup! She will fill it up and dump it out and just have a ball.
Likes: She loves giving kisses now and dancing which are both super cute! She understands (at least it seems that way) when we say "Give me a kiss!" because she will pucker up and lean in. She also moves her little hips and grins big when she hears music, it is so funny! I just love watching her happy spirit blossom.
Milestones: She stands up unattended and has taken two steps so far! Nothing consistent but she is well on her way! She uses a sippy cup sometimes and is doing good! (I realized I don't have pics of her with her cup!) She knows she has to bite down to get the water out and she holds the cup well. She has been signing "more" for awhile now but now she signs "baby" when she sees one and she signs "food" or "eat" but it looks like she is blowing a kiss since she hasn't figured out how to position her fingers just yet. Either way, she is doing amazing!
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