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Visiting Heaven

My dear friend Bethany recently sent out an e-mail sharing a conversation she had with her son. You see, Caleb has what is  known as Klinefelter Syndrome/ 47XXY and a seizure condition called Lennox Gastaut Syndrome. He is an AWESOME teenager with a huge heart and I just adore him and his brothers to pieces. I was incredibly blessed by his story and my hope is you will be too. 

Not long ago, on a night much like this one, Caleb suddenly announced, "Mom! Know what? I had a dream last night -- about going to heaven!" Although, at that particular moment, I was busy getting Micah and Daniel to sleep; I instinctively knew this was a precious, fleeting opportunity; one that would be gone forever, had I not immediately seized it. So that's just what I did! Below, is the unforgettable conversation which followed.

Me: Tell me about this dream of yours -- from beginning to end -- I wanna hear all the details!
(Caleb grinned from ear to ear)
Caleb: Well...I was at the beach...walking along the sand. Then I saw a tunnel.
Me: What did it look like?
Caleb: It was long and dark with rainbow lights and a ladder at the end.
Me: What happened next?
Caleb: I walked through the tunnel and climbed up the ladder. It was a very tall ladder! And I climbed all the way up to the top!
Me: What did you see at the top?
Caleb: Jesus and his friends: Matthew, Mark, John, and Judas (presumably not Judas Iscariot, but the other Judas). They gave me water to drink, because I was so thirsty from climbing the tall ladder.
Me: So tell me what happened next?
Caleb: Well they took me inside a building and gave me big, white bird wings. And know what? I felt different. My muscles felt strong! And I could even fly!
 Me: How did you look?
 Caleb: Like a grown-up me -- with bigger muscles and short, black hair.
 Me: Where did you go next?
Caleb: I went into a big room where Jesus was sitting on a huge, gold chair. He told me to sit next to him in another gold chair and gave me a soft gold blanket to wrap around me.
Me: Tell me what Jesus looked like!

Caleb: He was big! And shined so bright, I couldn't see his face! But I could see the shape of it. He told me to touch his hand, so I did. And know what? I felt the holes where the nails went in! When the soldiers with red capes nailed Jesus to the cross!
Me: Amazing! What did you say to him?
Caleb: I just said,"Hi how was your day? Whatcha been doing?" And Jesus said, "Good! I've been having fun eating bread and drinking wine."
Me: So, what did heaven sound like?

Caleb: Like music! 
Me: Really? What kind of music?
Caleb: Christmas music! And lots and lots of people singing together!
Me: Who else was there? Did you see anyone else you knew or who maybe knew you?
Caleb: There were lots of regular people and angels. And I saw my friend, Unique -- from school -- she was there, too.
Me: So what else happened in your dream?
Caleb: Jesus took me to another room where there was lots of yummy food to eat!
Me: Cool! What kinds of food did you see?
Caleb: All kinds! Turkey, ham, roast beef, lobster, mashed potatoes, bread, fruit, cookies, tomato soup, wine, milk, and water...all kinds of yummy food!
Me: Tell me what happened next.
Caleb: Jesus took me on a walk through heaven, and we talked the whole way.
Me: Awesome! What did you talk about?
Caleb: Jesus told me about his whole life: being born in Bethlehem; growing up; dying on the cross for my sins; and rising again.

Me: Wow...what did heaven look like?
Caleb: Like a big golden city...the streets were gold, the sidewalks were gold, there were gold buildings, gold statues, a castle, and even a gold globe!

  Whether or not Caleb actually visited heaven, this conversation stirred my imagination and touched a deep place in my soul. The place I suspect we all have, which makes us feel 'homesick' for heaven sometimes. It’s that mysterious part of the human spirit, which causes us to search for meaning, crave real purpose, and long to find and fulfill our calling in this life -- so that one day, we too, may see the brilliant countenance of Christ -- and experience for ourselves his warm, welcoming, acceptance, and overwhelming love.
Truly, no matter how youthful, spry, aging, or frail we may be -- life is fragile!
so my prayer for us all, this and every season; is that we not only aim to spend each day as if it were our last day in this life.  But that we would also accept the most important gift Christ was born to give – eternal life!

Romans 3:23

23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;    

 Romans 6:23

23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Titus 3:4-7

But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.

Luke 2:14

14 “Glory to God in the highest heaven,
    and on earth peace to those on whom his
favor rests.”

May His utmost favor rest on you all! Both this Christmas, and in the year to come!


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