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Showing posts from August, 2013

Postpartum Truth

I’ve been wanting to write a post on this for some time now. At almost 7 months post partum I feel like I am basically 100% healed from birthing Gracelyn. There were lots of interesting things that happened as I recovered and I feel ready to share my story with anyone who cares to hear it. These are my honest, open thoughts and I hope you can smile or relate. I thought I would be totally “normal” and bounce right back to my life before but that didn’t exactly happen. Either way, I wouldn’t trade my life now for anything in the world. The last picture I took while pregnant! 37 weeks! She was born 3 days later. Healing: I said I’d be open and honest so here’s your chance to exit out of this page. After Gracelyn came out, I was informed I had a tear but I couldn’t really feel anything at that point but all I wanted was for someone to close the damn door! My dad and brothers were getting ready to come in but I was still completely exposed! It was the most uncomfortable fee...

Nursing in Public

I saw an episode of the Rikki Lake show and the topic was Breastfeeding. One of the women sharing her story was in the US Army and was looked down on for openly breastfeeding her twin girls in public and while wearing her uniform. Another woman was also frowned upon for taking part in a breastfeeding photo shoot where she and some other women were photographed nursing their babies without covers.  When Rikki asked the audience what they felt, most people expressed that there was no reason not to wear a cover. Some audience members also expressed their concern about breastfeeding being an "intimate" thing and there is no need to show your breasts to anyone else.  I recently watched a clip of the tv show The View and one of the ladies on the panel said she thinks men will lust over a woman if she is openly breastfeeding because despite the fact that she is feeding her child, men will still lust over an exposed breast. All the women on the panel had passionate opinions on the to...