26 Weeks
Maternity Clothes? Thanks to my cousin Jami, I now have more maternity clothes! Couldn't be more happy! Now I have a few more things to wear! I now have a total of 6 pairs of maternity jeans/pants!
Stretch Marks? Not yet!
Sleep? My preggle is a life saver! The preggle even allows me to sleep on my tummy! It is so relaxing and so comfy since I'm not putting any pressure on my belly.
Best Moment This Week: Normally David and I meet every Sunday for church but this past week, we actually got to go together which was a nice change. :) After church we ate lunch and walked around the mall. It was fun being able to just hang out together. We didn't even look at any baby stuff while at the mall, we just enjoyed each others company!
Miss Anything? Still just my energy. I get tired pretty quickly, but I still get my butt on the elliptical every chance I get.
Movement? I feel her moving all the time! Someone at work asked me how it feels when she kicks and the best way to explain it is to say it feels like a muscle twitching inside your tummy!
Food Cravings: I haven't really craved anything specific. I like a lot of stuff and I usually crave different things everyday! I guess if I had to say one thing, i'd say I really enjoy cold things. I love ice cold cranberry juice anytime of the day, ice water, ice cream, Popsicles, icees, cereal with freezing milk, etc. This will be interesting when the weather gets even cooler!
Food Aversions: Not this week. I am always ready to eat and I have the appetite to match!
Symptoms: I am starting to feel my hips spreading- this is not fun or comfortable. Sometimes I sit there and squeeze my hips together to relieve the discomfort. I am also feeling killer back ache due to the hip spreading, I assume. Another thing I feel is what I call "extreme tummy tightness" where it feels like my belly is going to rip open. NOT comfortable!
Belly Button: "In."
Happy or Moody? Pretty happy!
Nursery Progress: We now actually have a literal nursery since we bought a 2 bedroom apartment! She gets her own room and we start moving in on the 14th! Can't wait to decorate this baby girls room!
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