"Wow" is all I can think after finding out
we will be having a girl in just a few short months. Never thought in a million
years that I'd be expecting my first baby at this time in my life.
I just
want to say that I'm in no way shape or form saying that a baby solves your
problems, fixes relationships or is the right thing to do before marriage. I'm
not advertising premarital sex as “good” or “OK” because you can get a baby
from it. It doesn't make your life easier, in fact, it makes it harder! An
unplanned pregnancy before you're ready is quite the challenge but that's not
going to make us quit on each other and if anything, it makes us try that much
harder because now we have a baby to think about too. It's no longer about
"me" and that has been fun and hard to learn. We are growing and
learning together and it's not the road we wanted to take, it's not the road
God wanted us to take but He is not giving up on us either. This is simply a
detour. We had it easy before we got pregnant- and now we have a bunch of other
responsibilities and decisions to make. We don't know what we're doing but
we're doing our best. When you're driving and come to a fork in the road, you
don't turn around and go home you take the detour and eventually get to where
you originally planned to go. It might take longer to get there, you will
probably get frustrated along the way but you'll get there. And you may as well
enjoy the scenery while you're at it! That is how I look at my life. We made a
choice and now we are taking the detour, it's hard but entirely worth it.
am so SO excited to be a mom. That is why serving an awesome God who forgives,
restores and blesses makes it so worth it. A baby is a gift from God- period!
At first I was nervous to publicly enjoy my pregnancy because I'm that
"Christian girl who got pregnant before marriage." But honestly, who
can throw the first stone? The story of the adulterous woman is a well known
and great story and obviously I can relate to it. The world wants to judge me
and say hurtful things but Jesus wants to embrace me and love me
unconditionally. He wants to love and embrace our sweet angel too! We are
sooooo extremely blessed and thankful for the many many people who love us and
are excited about our amazing baby that is on the way! The support we have
received from our loved ones has been the best thing we could ask for.
am beyond honored to be the vessel that which our baby girl will grow in until
she is ready to come out. In many ways, I wish I was planning my wedding
instead of my baby's arrival but in the end, I would not change one thing about
this. It is now our job to raise this girl to be a woman of God and it will be
tough- she will fail at times and we will fail at times but I can promise that
this little lady WILL know the Lord. Clearly I'm not perfect and have made
mistakes but our daughter was not one of them. I will persue her heart until it
hurts and lead her the best way I know how. I cannot express the amount of fear
I have knowing that one of Gods most precious gems is being placed in our arms.
will be tough times but God has already conquered the world. Through Him, we
can do all things!
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