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Showing posts from September, 2013

7 Months

7 MONTHS Height, Weight, & Head: 28 inches tall, 21 pounds, and 16 inches around the head. Big girl! Clothes:   She is currently getting out of 9 months and moving on to size 12 months.  Mmm, Blueberry waffles! Eating:   We're still letting her "sample" food but she's still loving mommy's milk. She will start kicking and smile when I say, "Are you ready for milkies!?"  I also show her the sign for milk. (Being that her big cousin Saydee is deaf, Gracie will be learning sign language.) She loves pasta and strawberries! She even tried steak from chipotle the other day. There are lots of days where all she does is nurses. I'm not worried about her not eating enough...she is happy and healthy and continues to gain weight.  The camera interrupted her. ;) Sleeping:   She sleeps 8 hours or more every night. We put her down about 8 and she wakes up between 4 and 5. David is usually the one who goes to get her and then...