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Showing posts from May, 2013

Camping with an Infant

So last weekend I went camping with my in-laws in Forest Lakes and it was so much fun! It was a bit chilly for this cactus baby but it was a blast just enjoying God's gorgeous creation, hiking, and of course- roasting 'smores! As I prepared to leave, I wondered how different it would be with a baby coming along- my mind went crazy! How many diapers should I bring? Should I bring her toys? What if she starts rolling over? Do I bring a pack n play?  How many wipes do I pack?? Bottles??? Extra clothes???? The list goes on. A couple people basically told me I was crazy for bringing a 3 month old camping but it was no different than having one while not camping- just a different atmosphere and temperature. I found so many good blogs on 'camping with infants' and those helped me prepare for my trip but I wanted to make my own list of essential supplies for camping with a baby. I didn't have to buy anything special for this trip which was great. So here is my top my most...

Bottle Breakdown!

When I was pregnant, I remember going into Babies R Us and being incredibly overwhelmed with the bottle selection. Why can't there be ONE bottle and ONE nipples that babies drink from?? Why do moms have to go through nipple after nipple and bottle after bottle just to find the perfect little bottle for their baby?? Oh that's right- 'cause that would be too easy! As if motherhood isn't hard enough... Once Gracelyn arrived I was advised not to put ANYTHING in her mouth except for my nipple for at least a month so she could get used to breastfeeding. I heard this from friends but also got it confirmed by my doctor, nurse and lactation consultant as this would be easiest for her to get settled with breastfeeding. At 4 weeks old I introduced the bottle for the first time to get her used to it for when I returned back to work. I expected her to not want the bottle at first since I knew she liked breast feeding best but I did not expect her to just completely refuse the b...